• Chicken Salt Roasted Chicken

    Chicken Salt Roasted Chicken

    This is a very simple recipe for when you just want to stick the chicken in the oven, without sacrificing taste. It relies on you having a batch of chicken salt ready made. I recommend always having this as it can be used for almost anything. You can choose which pieces of chicken you like […]

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  • The Best Chicken Parma Recipe

    The Best Chicken Parma Recipe

    Chicken Parmigiana, or “Chicken Parma” as it’s commonly known in Australia, is one of the most popular dishes in the country and is a staple in Australian pubs, restaurants and RSLs. One of the reasons why Chicken Parma is so popular is that it’s a simple dish with comfort food appeal. It’s a great option […]

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  • Chicken Schnitzel

    Chicken Schnitzel

    Chicken Schnitzel may not have been invented in Australia, its popularity makes it impossible to exclude. Schnitzel is said to have originated in Austria many centuries ago, originally being a coating of veal before expanding to other meats. Chicken Schnitzel is now among the most popular recipes in Australia and a favourite meal at Australian […]

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