Milk Bar Salad Sandwich

Milk Bar sandwiches are one of my favourite things from childhood. Prepared sandwiches and rolls are often sold in small, family run corner stores as well as in bakeries and at schools and cafes across Australia. As large supermarkets and chains reduce business at many small stores, however, the sandwiches can be harder to find than in the past.

No problem, we can make it ourselves! This recipe brings back a typical salad sandwich on white bread, featuring grated beetroot, carrots and alfalfa sprouts and a slice of cheese for a dairy kick.

Beetroot is among the most common ingredients used in Australian recipes and also features on the Aussie Burger, if you are in the mood for a meatier meal.


1 small carrot, grated

1 beetroot, peeled and cooked, or tinned

1/4 cup of alfalfa sprouts

1 slice of cheddar or swiss cheese

2 slices of buttered white bread

1/2 a sliced tomato

A couple of pieces of lettuce


1. Butter two slices of bread and set aside.

2. Prepare the ingredients by grating the beetroot and the carrot, and cutting the tomato into slices. Set the ingredients aside.

3. Assemble the sandwich by layering the cheese slice at the bottom, followed by the grated carrots, alfalfa sprouts, tomato slices, grated beetroot and then lettuce. Enjoy!