Halloumi Love: Veggie Fry-Up Edition

There is no greater way to start the day than with a delicious fry-up. This veggie version mixes healthy spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes with the protein of eggs, halloumi cheese and baked beans.

Halloumi is a very popular ingredient in Australia and often features in breakfasts served at cafes. This semi-hard, Mediterranean cheese is perfect for frying. When cooked, halloumi develops a golden crust while maintaining its soft, chewy interior.

We chose Campari tomatoes for this breakfast because of their perfect size and great taste. But you can use a different variety if you prefer.

The most difficult part of assembling a fry-up is getting everything ready to eat at the same time. Itโ€™s ideal if you have a warm place to keep the food where it wonโ€™t get cold as you prepare other ingredients. You can also speed up the process by frying ingredients in the same grill pan. But, this can mix up some of the tastes.

If you are able, you can also mix up what cooking oils you use. We prefer olive oil for the spinach, but when frying the halloumi a higher heat cooking oil like avocado oil may be preferable. Butter also lends a rich, flavourful taste to the eggs.


1 cup of sliced mushrooms

3-4 tomatoes, cut into quarters of halves

2 eggs, beaten

1 tablespoon heavy cream

2 cups of spinach

3-4 slices of Halloumi

1/2 tin of baked beans

Cooking oil and butter, according to taste

Salt and pepper


1. Spoon the baked beans into a saucepan and cook until bubbling, then reduce the heat to a simmer

2. Heat up cooking oil in a frying pan, add the mushrooms and salt to help them release their water. Cook until done and set aside somewhere warm.

3. Heat up some olive oil in a frypan, add spinach and mix the oil through the spinach. Add salt and stir as the spinach releases its water and set aside somewhere warm when done. 

3. In a clean saucepan, heat up 2 teaspoons of oil on medium heat. Grill the halloumi until browned then flip sides, about 2 minutes per side. Set aside somewhere warm. 

4. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and cook in a frypan over medium heat until they are browned. Set aside somewhere warm. 

3. Add a tablespoon of heavy cream, salt and pepper to the eggs, and whisk together. In a clean grill pan scramble the eggs until cooked but still moist.

4. Assemble the mushrooms, scrambled eggs, steamed spinach, grilled tomatoes and grilled halloumi on a plate. Add the baked beans. 

5. Add salt and pepper to taste and enjoy!