Never out of style: Aussie Curried Sausages

Curried sausages are fun, a little bit retro and the perfect example of when Australians take inspiration from classic international dishes and then just make them a little bit their own.

The exact history of curried sausages is unclear the dish may have been inspired in part by currywurst, a fast food dish popular in Germany. While currywurst uses curry flavours as a sauce on the sausages, however, the Australian dish resembles more of a traditional curry, being served with a gravy like consistency over rice.

One of the main attractions of curried sausages is that they impart nostalgia and a sense of years gone by, even as it is perhaps less popular than it once was. But that’s not to say that it isn’t delicious.

An advantage of this recipe for sausage lovers is that the process of cooking the sausages in the curry sauce both tenderises them and flavours them more than if they were simply fried or barbecued. You can use any type of sausage you like, from pork to beef to chicken.

TIP: As with many of my recipes, arrowroot flour can be used as an alternative to cornstarch to thicken the sauce. This is an especially good option if you are keto or have other dietary restrictions.

You can easily modify the recipe to add whatever veggies you have on hand.


4-6 sausages

2 tablespoons of butter, ghee or oil for frying

2 cups chicken stock

2 teaspoons curry powder

1 yellow onion

2 garlic cloves

2 carrots

1 cup of frozen peas

2 tablespoons of fruit chutney 

2 teaspoons of a thickener such as cornstarch or arrowroot powder, mixed with water

Rice to serve


1. Chop the onion and carrots into pieces and set aside. 

2. Heat the fat or oil over medium to high heat and then add sausages. Turn the sausages until browned all over and then set aside. 

3. In the same pan, add the onion and cook until it is translucent. Add the curry powder and stir through the mix, then add the chicken stock and chutney and stir again. 

4. Add the sausages and carrots to the mixture and reduce the heat, let simmer for around 10-15 minutes until the sausages and carrots are starting to soften.

5. While this is cooking, prepare the rice.

6. Mix the cornstarch or arrowroot flour with two tablespoons of water, and stir through the carrot and sausage mixture. Add the peas, and cook for another 2-5 minutes. 

7. Serve with rice and enjoy!